Markham Dental Smiles
4630 Hwy 7 #2 Unionville ON L3R 1M5 (905) 477-6453

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Exciting news – We're happily accepting new patients!

Unionville, ON
(905) 477-6453

Why Do My Teeth Hurt While Eating

Pain is a biological response and it’s a sensory trigger to indicate, “something is wrong and requires immediate attention.” In dentistry, this nerve pain is often noticed when a person bites into his/her food. It’s a reactive pain and originates from inside one’s teeth. The question then becomes, “Why do my teeth hurt when I […]

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How to Deal With Sudden Tooth Sensitivity

Is drinking an ice-cold beverage becoming a source of discomfort? Is it suddenly impossible to brush your teeth without grimacing? This symptom is often associated with tooth sensitivity. The question is, what is causing your teeth to be sensitive? Cause #1: Excessive Plaque Plaque is a sticky deposit or “biofilm”, which forms on the surface […]

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5 Tips to Brushing Your Teeth

Brushing your teeth is a vital part of any dental care routine. It guarantees a healthier, whiter, and cleaner smile. If ignored, the teeth can start to develop plaque, bacteria, gum disease, and a whole host of dental issues. Therefore, it’s highly recommended to spend time understanding the nuances of brushing your teeth and what’s […]

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Visit Our Location

We would love to meet you at our Unionville office. We’re located on Highway 7, right next to the Shopper’s Drug Mart.


Markham Dental Smiles
4630 Hwy 7 #2
Unionville, ON, L3R 1M5

Contact Number

Phone: (905) 477-6453
Email: [email protected]


Monday: Closed
Tuesday: 10:00AM - 7:00PM
Wednesday: 10:00AM - 7:00PM
Thursday: 10:00AM - 2:30PM
Friday: 10:00AM - 6:00PM
Saturday: 9:00AM - 5:00PM
Sunday: Closed

Our Services