Wisdom teeth are molars at the back of your mouth and typically come in on the top and bottom of both sides of the jaw. Because many adults don’t have the space in their jaw to accommodate wisdom teeth, there are several problems that can develop if wisdom teeth aren’t removed with surgery, which is often completed during a person’s teenage or young adult years.
Following wisdom teeth surgery, you may experience some pain and swelling, forcing you to change your eating habits temporarily. Soft foods with high nutritional value or soothing cold foods are what many dental care professionals recommend eating after wisdom teeth surgery.
Markham Dental Smiles can be a resource for you to understand your dental health. During your annual dental exams, we can take x-rays of your mouth and jaw to monitor the movement of your wisdom teeth. If we notice they’re beginning to affect the surrounding teeth and cause problems in your jaw, we can discuss wisdom teeth removal and recommend oral surgeons.
How Long Is the Recovery from Wisdom Teeth Removal?
Recovery times for wisdom teeth removal can vary. Some people can fully recover from wisdom teeth surgery in 4 days, but others can take up to several weeks, depending on the complexity of the surgery and the wound left behind.
Many people recover without complications, but in the rare cases where problems occur, healing can be delayed, increasing your reliance on soft foods.
Soft Foods to Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal
For the days following your wisdom teeth procedure, your dental care team may recommend a soft food diet to help ease discomfort. Getting all your nutrients is essential for supporting your body during the healing process—but there are only so many smoothies you can drink. Other foods can be gentle on your mouth and add some variety to your soft diet.
Broths & Blended Soup
Broths and blended soups can be full of vitamins and minerals and can be easy to stomach and consume after surgery. Broths can be a savoury way to stay hydrated and can be made in advance.
Blended soups can be more varied and can contain whole vegetables—blended to prevent pieces of food from irritating wounds. You can make them from scratch or get tomato, butternut squash, and other creamy soups pre-blended at a local store.
When you’re eating soup following wisdom teeth removal, it should be lukewarm or cold to avoid irritating any wounds.
Mashed Fruit
Eating applesauce, banana ice cream, or mashed bananas can feed your sweet tooth and also help keep your body flush with vitamins and minerals that can support healthy recovery. Eating cold foods can also help soothe discomfort in your mouth, which is why cold smoothies are so popular. Just be sure to avoid using a straw.
Scrambled Eggs
Eggs are a protein-rich food ideal for eating after surgery when your diet is restricted. Scrambled eggs can be easier to chew and swallow than eggs cooked in other ways. If you have a decreased appetite after your procedure, eggs can be a great source of nutrients that are easy on your digestive system.
Foods to Avoid After Wisdom Teeth Surgery
After surgery, your mouth can feel more sensitive, and certain foods can cause irritation, including:
- Spicy foods
- Acidic foods, like citrus fruit
- Grains or seeds
- Chewy, sticky foods
- Alcohol
If you smoke or use tobacco products, you should abstain from the habit for at least 72 hours to reduce your risk of complications. Chewing tobacco should be eliminated entirely for at least a week following the procedure.
Following your procedure, you should avoid using a straw as well. While straws may seem convenient, the suction can dislodge the clotting over the wound, causing more bleeding. Some dental care professionals also acknowledge a link between dislodged clots and dry sockets, a painful complication of wisdom teeth removal that can slow healing, and while some evidence is mixed, it is often recommended that you avoid straws altogether after wisdom teeth surgery.
In an effort to maintain clots, you should also avoid swishing and spitting as your wounds heal. This may impact your daily oral health care routine for several days, but your dental team can give you tips to help maintain clots and your oral health during your healing phase.

Visit Your Dentist to Discuss Your Wisdom Teeth
If you’re concerned about your wisdom teeth, schedule a dental exam at Markham Dental Smiles so we can examine your wisdom teeth, determine if they’re growing at an awkward angle, and determine whether you may need them removed soon or in the future.
Our dental team can answer your questions about wisdom teeth and help keep your smile healthy before and after the removal procedure.