Flossing is an essential part of your home dental hygiene routine and helps you keep your teeth clean and your gums healthy. It is easy to fit flossing into your daily routine, and it is necessary to keep the gaps between your teeth free of food and plaque. The Importance of Flossing Flossing is important […]
The Future of Dentures: They May Be Real Teeth
Before becoming U.S. President, George Washington, back in 1781, asked his doctor for “a pair of pincers to fasten the wire of [his] teeth.” He had false teeth then made from the teeth of the cow and hippopotamus ivory. He had a set of metal springs fastened to his mouth to keep the dentures in […]
Recovering from Your Implant Surgery and Taking Care of Your New Smile
Experts agree that implants are the most viable solution for replacing missing teeth. Dental implants prove to be a reliable solution to restoring missing teeth as well as the ability to enjoy and chew food, support surrounding teeth, prevent bone loss. With the continuously improving advances in the techniques and technologies used in dental implant […]